Saturday, May 15, 2010

QOTW Meeting

This morning was Quilts on the Wall (QOTW) meeting, so after stuffing the car with Ray Jr's stuff, and my recycling, we drove up to Seal Beach.  Was going to drop Ray Jr off at the library, but it was closed - grrrr.  Then, I went to drop him off at Mel's and it was gone.  Finally, found him a place to park and read the paper, while I went to the meeting.

Haven't been in a couple months, due to other commitments - so it was great to see all my artist friends and catch up on what they have been doing.  Show and tell was the best ever - of course, I say that every time.  I have been so blessed to find this group.  They are all so talented, each in their own way. 

Got two of my quilts back that had been in traveling exhibitions.  Spring which was in a special exhibit, Noble Seasons, curated by jo p griffith, and my challenge, Mountain, which was in the QOTW Fettered Letters exhibition. Had nothing else new to share, as I have been really busy in community service activities.