Thursday, August 16, 2012


 Coming back off a few years of laying low, I am back chatting with fellow artists, catching up on my reflective readings.  My imagination has sparked a few creative ideas, and I am sketching them out as if time had not passed by.  Perhaps it is a sign of good things to come. 

The time spent off grid wasn't lost time, just spent focusing on priorities, trying not to let outside influences dictate. It hasn't always been easy, as I like social activity, and not having the seal of approval leaves me uneasy (far outside my comfort zone) - but the time away has been rewarding in many ways.  I learned to make ceramics, and tryed my hand at glass fusing, too. And, I produced several pieces of graphic arts using my new digital arts software. 

The downside of being eclectic, is carving out time between personal vs professional, play time with work time, and leaving time for the studio.  Confuse that even more with having a website, a blog, twitter, email, FB and my mind is fried with too many decisions, and too little time.

In an attempt to organize my thoughts and direction, using my blog as an artist's journal as I am inspired, and  FB for my family / social / political outlet. My webpage is long overdue for updating, but that is on the backburner for now - As for Twitter, I am advising to not hold your breathe.