Sunday, May 2, 2010

Celebrating another year

WOW - I made two days in a row blogging - that might be a new record, but, I am trying to take 10 minutes at the end of the day to journal, reflecting on how good life is.

This morning, my cats and I spent some time out on the patio, enjoying the weather, the spring flowers, and our hummingbirds.  They were out in full force, as all their favorite flowers are in bloom. 

My friends really made today special.  Our friendship group got together in the afternoon to sew and celebrate Patty & my birthdays - we are a day apart - I worked on some handwork - and my friends all were working on their projects.  We are very diverse in our quilts, yet in some ways, we are also a lot alike. 

Nancy made a great scratch banana cake (and we used all our points for the week just on her delicious frosting - lol).  After cake, there was a lot of laughing over the birthday cards - my friends have me pegged!!!  And, it was fun alternating opening our gifts, it was like having Christmas in May.  Of course I got some pink wrapping paper, don't tell them, but the raspberry color is almost growing on me... Notice, I did say almost -  Three of the items were for my kitchen (so I can make some healthy food, easier)...  I am up to making about 5 types of soup from scratch, and my standard 5 chicken dishes, but I am needing to expand some.  Making dishes for one is hard, but, I digress.  Gigi made a great Japanese handbag for when I work art/quilt shows - can't wait to use it - blues with tomato reds - and it has a TREE on it - with an adjustable shoulder strap - what is really cool, is she designed it herself so it is an original -

After the sewing, I dropped by another friend of mine, and had a great dinner with her and her friends.  The food was GREAT (I didn't have to make it), and the dinner conversation was a lot of back and forth...

All in all, a great day, with good friends - what could be better.  Off to my cozy bed ...